DEFINE Signature Classes

Strength Sculpt Stretch

 Push your muscles to fatigue by first finding ease in your body with stretching and mobility sequences. 

 12 Min warmup incorporating mobility, stability and core followed by four 8 minute circuits of:

body weight strength, high repetition light weight sculpting and recovery stretches.


 Get the heart rate up while toning!
 5 Min stretch and mobility warmup followed by  four 10 minute circuits of: high repetition light weight sculpting, cardio/heart rate spurts and stretches that focus on alignment and recovery. 


Ease into movement by unlocking tightness and pick up the tempo and intensity at your pace. 

 Begin with a 9 min progression of fluid stretches that unlock tightness in hips and low back while targeting upper back and glute muscles for stability. 

 Once the blood is flowing, increase the tempo at your pace with three 12 min circuits of high repetition light weight sculpting followed by a super set stretch aimed to unlock tightness while toning. 

Fuego CORE-Secret Sore!

 Build heat from within with slow, controlled whole body movements initiating  from the core. 

 Progressions focus on stabilizing core with lower body mobility and endurance. 

Build tempo and intensity at the pace that works for you!


 Exercise progressions focus on stabilizing and strengthening the core while lengthening and sculpting upper and lower body. Restorative stretches between sequences allow for muscle recovery while keeping the heart rate at your desired pace. Pace yourself and Push yourself!

Tailored Strength with Coaching

Time to step into the GYM! Utilize your gym space building your tailored workout program with machines, pulleys and free weights! After a brief questionnaire and assessment you will be given a handout with your 45 min tailored strength workout! Sessions will be supervised with a group personal trainer allowing you to take charge of your workouts in your gym space with support, encouragement and camaraderie!