Pajama Pants and Netflix = RESET TIME

Getting steps in with @pawprince_1111

Getting steps in with @pawprince_1111

Working from home and quarantine are unprecedented times, so creativity may be needed to get the daily movement back up!  Find a community that works for you and change things up if you are feeling stagnant!

If you notice that your eating habits may have changed-taking a look at food intake may be useful as well.

I use My Fitness Pal for a nutrition assessment at glance and then I come up with a grocery list as well as food preparations. I love inputting food options and seeing what choices are best. This month-I actually added some meat back into my diet: ground chicken and salmon. I found that i was eating too much sugar. When I had more protein consumption I found my cravings went down and the sluggish feeling from sugar crash also decreased.

I have friends and family that use the following apps and have found results:

Noom focuses on behavioral changes using evidence based psychology and scientific methods. Noom is great to actually go deeper into the emotional aspect of habits and work to make sustainable changes. It takes a bit more time, and if you are into the WHY this may be for you.

Weight watchers uses a color coded system to encourage moderation and portion control. Recipes and community motivation are available to stay on track for results.

Daily Movement RESET

Don’t use cold weather as an excuse. Bundle up and get outside! Put on your favorite song and dance indoors! If you have stairs-use them! I like to use Health app on my phone to see my daily steps. I have some friends and clients that like to use Apple watch.

 Social Distance Workouts


I joined Hotworx for private sauna experience with a tv streaming a variety of workouts.  I will admit, the first few times I just sat and enjoyed the warmth. Then I actually started doing the videos-each genre is precise and effective. Eventually I signed up for the hot cardio blast- a bike with arm movements. I started to feel a pep in my step. 


Private Studio with Personal Trainer 

Yes, trainers need trainers! I share weekly social distance personal workouts with a good friend. Working out with a buddy pushes me under the guidance of a strength and conditioning expert.

Windy City Ninjas & Aerial Yoga

This is a fun class to break up the monotony of workouts!

Virtual Workouts 


My sister as well as several clients have found Peleton to be a great investment to stay on track with movement!